Albendazole Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Test Type
Single Test
Milk Rapid Testing



Albendazole is a medication used for the treatment of a variety of parasitic worm infestations. The common side effects of it include nausea, abdominal pains, and headaches. Potentially serious side effects include bone marrow suppression which usually improves on stopping the medication. Thus it is of great importance to monitor the its residue in foods, especially in daily consumptions, such as milk and many other dairy products.

Key facts of the Albendazole Rapid Test Kit

  • Ready to use kits for farmers, truck drivers, etc
  • No incubation required 10min
  • Highly specific to Albendazol

Detection Limit of the Albendazole Rapid Test Kit

Albendazole Detection Limit (μg/L) Remarks
Albendazol sulfoxide 2 raw milk
Albendazol sulfone 3 raw milk

Albendazole Rapid Test Kit Components

  • Albendazol Test Strip, 96pcs
  • Microwell reagent, 96wells
  • Plastic Pipette, 96pcs