Beta-Lactams+Cefalexin, BCex Combo Test

Product Code
Kit Principle
Test Type
2in1 Combo Test
Milk Rapid Testing



Being the result of obtaining high milk yield, cow mastitis is quite common in the modern dairy industry, thus antibiotics like β-Lactams and cefalexin, etc., are frequently administered in veterinary clinical practice. However, these antibiotics residues in milk may cause potential damage to human health, which is now strictly controlled and supervised in many countries. Maximum Residue Level/Limit (MRL) has been established against these two classes of drugs in USA, EU, Japan, China and many other countries. 

Key facts of the beta-lactams & cefalexin test kit

  • Ready to use kits for farmers, truck drivers, etc
  • No incubation required
  • Result visible in less than 10min
  • Receptor assay with broad-specificity to all β-lactamas, and high-specificity to cefalexin
  • EU MRL / Russian MRL can be met in different specifications

Detection Limit of the beta-lactams & cefalexin test kit

β-lactams MRL(μg/L) LOD(μg/L) Cephalosporins MRL(μg/L) LOD(μg/L)
Penicillin G 4 2-4 Cefquinome 20 15-20
Ampicillin 4 3-4 Cefacetrile 125 100
Amoxicillin 4 3-4 Cefalonium 20 18-20
Oxacillin 30 6-8 Cefazolin 50 50
Cloxacillin 30 6-8 Cefoperazone 50 40-50
Dicloxacillin 30 6-8 Cephapirin 60 50-60
Nafcillin 30 20-30 Ceftiofur 100 90-100
Cefalexin 15-20 μg/L

This product utilizes the high affinity of β-Lactams binding protein against the antibiotics, which can easily identify these potential hazardous substances in milk without any instrument. The detection limit of the kit can meet both European and USA MRLs.

beta-lactams & cefalexin test kit components

  • beta-lactams & cefalexin test strip, 96pcs
  • Microwell reagent, 96wells
  • Plastic Pipette, 96pcs